Oddball Choir

13 December 2020, 11.00-12.30

Solti Hall

Liszt Kidz Academy - Oddballs

Oddball Choir Presented by Liszt Academy

For 10-15-year-olds


Interactive vocal games, extraordinary choral works and joint “music making”

Soharóza (artistic director: Dóra Halas)
Moderator: Dániel Mona

In autumn 2020, Liszt Kidz Academy, the programme series for young people organized by Liszt Academy, deals with the superheroes of music, those figures with remarkable, out-of-the-ordinary powers, and about whom even the rest of the profession can only say: oddballs! In this unconventional season, the even more unconventional closing matinee gets to look around the heads of an entire choir to learn how they go about creating music. There and then. Because the main topic is improvization – in the current case, choral improvization. Our guests are members of Soharóza known for their hugely entertaining, professional productions based on off-the-wall vocal game-playing. They raise improvization to new levels because – collectively – they bring about something ‘born in the moment’. And all that is needed for this is vocals. Well, anybody can do that...




Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


This concert was supported, in line with the Government decree 1290/ 2020. (VI.5) related to cultural institutions, in order to ease the economic difficulties caused by the Covid19 pandemic. 


HUF 2 500