Oddball Percussionist

27 September 2020, 11.00-12.30

Solti Hall

Liszt Kidz Academy - Oddballs

Oddball Percussionist Presented by Liszt Academy

For 10-15-year-olds

Works written for marimba, xylophone and drums, and improvised music on improvised instruments

András Dés, Dániel Janca (percussion)
Moderator: Dániel Mona

In autumn 2020, Liszt Kidz Academy, the programme series for young people organized by Liszt Academy, deals with the superheroes of music, those figures with remarkable, out-of-the-ordinary powers, and about whom even the rest of the profession can only say: oddballs! On the first occasion we climb into the minds of two percussionists to learn how they go about creating music. There and then. Because the main topic is improvization. Dániel Janca shows through classical percussion instruments, and jazz musician András Dés with objects lying around, how it is possible to use anything to make percussion music in its broadest sense. Two genres rub up against each other, scored music meets one-off, unrepeatable improvization, and by the end of the matinée perhaps the audience will also have become drummers...



Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


HUF 2 500