The point is to increase gradually the level of the understanding, cultivation and practice of musical art. This task falls particularly to the new Academy.

Liszt to Antal Augusz
Amadinda Percussion Project – Reich 85

9 November 2021, 19.30-22.00

Grand Hall

Here and Now

Amadinda Percussion Project – Reich 85 Presented by Liszt Academy


Steve Reich: Music for Pieces of Wood
Steve Reich
: Mallet Quartet
Steve Reich: Sextet


Steve Reich: Music for 18 Musicians

Amadinda Percussion Group: Károly Bojtos, Aurél Holló, Zoltán Rácz, Zoltán Váczi
TanBorEn trio: Levente Tóth, Zoltán Madaras, Csombor Kerek (percussion)
Percussion students of the Liszt Academy: Dániel Láposi, Kornél Hencz, Dávid Burcsik, Bence Siptár, András Simon, Kristóf Urbán
Szabolcs Joó (percussion)
Students of the Bartók Conservatoire: Mihály Endrédi, Ádám Puskás
Oszkár Varga (violin), Flóra Matuska (cello), János Maczák, Péter Szűcs (clarinet), Boglárka Fábry, Tamás Schlanger (piano)
Katalin Károlyi, Eszter Munkácsy, Lili Nagy, Ágnes Szász (vocals)

Steve Reich first visited Budapest in the summer of 1977. His trip was at the invitation of New Music Studio. Reich gave four lectures, analyzed and presented several of his works from recordings, and also performed live a few of his compositions. He performed an early, iconic work, Piano Phase for two instruments, with Zoltán Jeney. Of the pieces played from tape, Music for 18 Musicians was at that time his latest. Katalin Komlós wrote this about it: “It is an inimita  ble work, which, in addition to its perfect elaboration and combined application of techniques experimented on in many earlier pieces, is above all simply beautiful music impacting on the senses and, as such, enchanting for the audience.” The Hungary contacts of the American composer who was 85 this October have, over four decades, become ever stronger. This is in no small part due to Amadinda Percussion Group, so it is only natural that this commemorative concert should include  Mallet Quartet dedicated to Amadinda as well.




Presented by

Liszt Academy Concert Centre


This concert was supported, in line with the Government decree 1290/ 2020. (VI.5) related to cultural institutions, in order to ease the economic difficulties caused by the Covid19 pandemic. 



HUF 2 300, 3 500, 4 700, 5 900

Concert series:

Here and Now

Other events in the concert series:

2024. 10. 5
Here and Now

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