Concert Centre News

Parity – Ferenc Sebő and Kristóf Bacsó

Parity – Ferenc Sebő and Kristóf Bacsó

17 July 2019

Fantasy, education, taste, music - these were the topics discussed with two outstanding Hungarian musicians. Guitar and hurdy-gurdy player and folklorist Ferenc Sebő and jazz saxophonist and composer Kristóf Bacsó are both members of different generations, moving in various music scenes, yet both deep-thinkers, whose opinion often point in the same direction.

Franz Liszt and free improvisation

Franz Liszt and free improvisation

3 July 2019

During his stay in Vienna in 1822-23, the child Liszt established his career as a pianist with professional piano teacher Carl Czerny. In addition to consolidating his technique and shaping his taste, developing the potential for free improvisation was an important factor in Czerny's piano lessons, in line with the requirements of the time.

Classical music's healing power

Classical music's healing power

25 June 2019

Interview with piano artist and Bartók World Competition – Piano 2019 juror Andrei Korobeinikov. Born in Moscow, the 33-year-old artist, winner of several world competitions is not only respecting tradition and the composer’s intention, but also believes music makes you a better person; therefore music belongs to all.

Fantasia – a musical genre?

Fantasia – a musical genre?

12 June 2019

The fantasia can hardly be called a genre, as it is a rendition of an invention created on the spur of the moment. Thus it is closest to improvisation, which is never put down in writing.


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