The point is to increase gradually the level of the understanding, cultivation and practice of musical art. This task falls particularly to the new Academy.

Liszt to Antal Augusz

Tag: "To read"

Twin stars

2017. September 02.

Article of the Concert Magazine 2017/2 of the Liszt Academy.


I think I know very little

2017. May 11.

The Polish-Hungarian Piotr Anderszewski, a favourite of the Budapest audience, is not only brilliant as a pianist but also has an exciting personality as an artist.


Bartók as jazz inspiration

2017. February 06.

Bartók works have inspired plenty of jazz musicians over the past 70 years. Jazz pianist Dániel Szabó, lecturer at the school of music of the University of California, Los Angeles, contributed an article to Concert Magazine on what it is about the magic of his music that is so inspiring for jazz.
