Concert Centre News

Record number of composers submitted entries for this year's Bartók World Competition
26 August 2020
This time around, the Liszt Academy invited composers to submit entries for this year's round of the Bartók World Competition, with works written for string quartet. A record number of 348 valid applications were submitted from 59 countries by the official deadline. The final result of the competition will be announced at the gala event scheduled for November 28.

7 August 2020
A koronavírus-járvány miatt különleges előírásokat és ajánlásokat vezet be a Zeneakadémia, a közönség és a dolgozók egészségvédelme érdekében.

Liszt Academy to start new season in mid-August with a special concert pair
5 August 2020
The joint concert of the Liszt Academy and the National Philharmonic Orchestra, scheduled for August 18 and 19 in the Great Hall, will feature all of Rachmaninov's piano concertos and the virtuoso Paganini variations, with the solo performance of Kossuth Prize winner János Balázs. The guest conductor will be Charles Olivieri-Munroe of Canada.

4th Éva Marton Singing Competition is postponed to next autumn
26 June 2020
The new date is between 29 August and 5 September 2021.

Information about the re-opening of the ticket office at the Liszt Academy
25 May 2020
We are happy to inform you that from May 25 the ticket office will be open again.

7 Hungarians, 23 Russians and even a Congolese competitor made it to the preliminary of the Marton Competition
20 May 2020
116 singers have been selected to the first live round of Éva Marton International Singing Competition this year